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Full Repair Climbing Shoe


​​​​​​​Drop & Collect Location:

Amsterdam Marcel v Lent (de Pijp)

Ferdinand Bolstraat 104B (maps)


Is your favorite climbing shoes showing signs of wear and tear? Let us bring them back to like-new condition. 


What you'll get

✅ One pair will get fully repaired

✅ All holes and tears will get covered*

✅ Incl small repairs (e.g. laces and straps)
✅ Original Vibram sole
✅ Vibram Certified shoemakers
✅ Shoes are disinfected for freshness

✅ Comfort of worn shoes with a new fresh rubber


👍 Just Drop & Collect

No hassle with shipping. Simply drop off your shoes at the chosen location and pick them up when ready.


Fast Repair

Expect your repaired shoes within 1-2 weeks. You'll receive a notification when they're ready for collection.


Quality Rubber and Repair

Our certified shoemakers use Vibram Edge for hard rubber and Vibram XS Grip 2 for soft rubber, preserving the model's original rubber for optimal grip.


Shoes we don't take

- Shoes with too big holes or tears. If you can easily poke a pencil through, then it can't usually be fixed

- No-Edge shoes (at the moment)


Questions? Reach out to us!


Additional Repairs?

Just mention it in the notes, and we'll take care of it during the makeover.

Full Repair Climbing Shoes (Amsterdam MvL)

€ 65,00Prijs

Hoe werkt het?

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Kies locatie, vul gegevens in
en betaal vooraf.

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2. Lever je schoenen in

Lever ze bij locatie in. Geen gedoe met pakketjes versturen.

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3. Haal ze op na bericht

Reparatie duurt 1-2 weken.
Haal ze op en klim verder!

Vragen? Neem contact op!

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